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Sage 50 Peachtree 卓越版會計軟件2023 (桌面版及雲端會計軟件)

Sage 50 Peachtree 卓越會計軟件 (桌面版及雲端會計軟件) 擁有 專業版 所有功能及帶有強勁報表功能,您只要用最少時間就能更改所有的報表。如您想在發票加上中文、公司標誌圖案、或更多的設計 Sage 50 HK Peachtree 產品只用你小小的時間即能更改格式。

Sage 50 Peachtree 卓越擁有超過180個預設的報表,可合併 consolidation 分公司的帳目而成為總公司的總帳目。不論資產負債表、損益表或收益表、預算案或其它報表亦能利用此版本作出適當的分拆及編寫。

新預算案功能,擁有三年的強大預算案的分柝報表,亦能比較真正的全年和未來三年的預算分柝。您更可以利用Sage 50 Peachtree以電郵方式傳送發票、定單、退貨單、或其它報表。


Sage 50 Trial



Sage 50 Premium 2021


Sage 50 Quantum 2021

Vendor Aging
If you enter vendor invoices, Sage 50 will compute and track aging for payables, even for cash basis companies. This includes automatically tracking discounts for timely payment. For purchases, you can select a batch of bills to pay, based on due date, discount date, and other criteria. In addition, you can use the Collection Manager and Payment Manager to analyze receivables and payables, and to generate collection letters (Collection Manager) or select bills to pay (Payment Manager).


Purchases/Receive Inventory
This window allows you to either enter vendor purchase invoices or receive inventory for purchase orders.
:: Apply to Purchase Order tab: When you select a vendor who has open purchase orders, Sage 50 Peachtree displays the this tab,
allowing you to select which purchase order to receive items against.
:: Apply to Purchases tab: If you select a vendor with no open purchase orders, by default Sage 50 Peachtree displays this tab, where you
can enter a purchase that did not originate on a purchase order. In addition, if items were included on the purchase invoice that
are not included on the purchase order, you can add them here.


::系統要求-Sage 50 Peachtree 2023 桌面版 及 2023 雲端版
※視 窗 11 或 10 已安裝 Microsoft 的最新更新
※可安裝在Windows Server 2022 或 Windows Server 2016 & 2019, Windows Server2012 R2(requires installation of KB3118401), client-server 網絡, 及 Windows 11.0 或 Windows 10 peer-to-peer 網絡 ( 不支援 NAS ),
※要配合微軟.NET Framework 4.8;包括 DirectX Dependency for .NET; 需要附加 280 MB 至 850 MB
※Excel®, Outlook® 和Word® 集成需要 Microsoft Excel Outlook, and Word 2019, 2016, 2013
※適合Office 365商務進階版或企業版 (Sage 50 2023雲端版要配合Office 365商務進階版)

::::更詳細系統要求 Sage 50 Peachtree 2023


::系統要求-Sage 50 Peachtree 2022
※視 窗 8.1 或 10 with the latest updates from Microsoft installed
※Excel®, Outlook® 和Word® 集成需要 Microsoft Excel Outlook, and Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019

::::更詳細系統要求 Sage 50 Peachtree 2022 & 2021

- 查詢: 852-2191 6236

Sage 50 Peachtree 專業版會計軟件2022

- 總賬簿
- 應收賬
- 應付賬
- 銀行對帳
- 簡易管理多公司的財務
- 精準的分析及報告
- 工程收入及支出

Sage 50 Peachtree 專業版會計軟件2022

- 部門分類
- 更強工程項目及配合庫存
- 工程收入及支出更細分為階段
- 合併多間公司帳目
- 誇多年的預算比較
- 貨品序號庫存
- 自訂財務報表
- 人事薪酬管理(薪金、強積金供款...),記錄員工資料,可以時薪、日薪或固定薪金計算