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Sage 50 Peachtree Hong Kong Exclusive DistributorSage 50 Peachtree Hong Kong Exclusive Distributor




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Sage 50 Peachtree 桌面及雲端版

Sage 50 Peachtree 不同版本的功能 (Sage 50 Pro , Premium & Quantum)

Sage 50 Peachtree 會計軟件教學-建立新公司

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium 功能介紹


Sage 50 EshopSage 50 Eshop


美國最新2023 版

安裝狀態更穩定,兼享專屬更新保證,安裝操作理想流暢, 大量現貨直銷益用家






新版Sage 50 Peachtree Premium 2023
1, 2, 3, 4及 5 用戶
優惠大減價 益用家


Why Choose Us

Sage 50 Peachtree expert you can trust...

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Accounting Software 2023
(one-time payment)

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting Software 2023
(one-time payment)

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accountng 2023

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Accountng 2023

Easy-to-use software that helps organize your business. An Accounting essentials to gain control over cash flow and costs, and also managing inventory, employees, and customers

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Accountng 2022

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accountng 2022

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Cloud Accounting Software 2023

Cloud Edition *NEW*

Sage 50 Peachtree Cloud Accounting Software 2023

Cloud Edition *NEW*

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Cloud Accountng 2023 (Cloud) NEW

Sage 50 Peachtree Pro Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accountng 2023 (Cloud) NEW

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Quantum Accountng 2023 (Cloud) NEW

Sage 50 Peachtree Premium Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Sage 50 Peachtree Quantum Accountng 2023 (Cloud) NEW

Sage 50 Peachtree Quantum Accounting is a powerful tools that help you manage accounting, inventory management, costs, employees, and security

Professional Services

We offer Sage 50 software support to thousands of all types and business sizes in Hong Kong and Asia region over 20 years




真誠務實的服務宗旨和靈活到位的銷售方式-單用戶全包 | 免費安裝舊資料升級


Premium 1用戶 限時優惠推廣2、3、4及5用戶**直銷稱冠**

全新直銷優惠組合*限量發售*, 培訓課程後,送3 個月免費支援服務包括電話、傳真及電郵,歡迎致電本公司 2191 6236 查詢,專人解答,幫助客戶如何選購合適的會計軟件, 兼享一年操作支援服務, 限量優惠。


限時推廣-Sage 50 Peachtree Pro即送美國原廠盒裝新2023
直銷優惠組合: 軟件一套,免費資料轉換, 安裝及培訓

本公司乃 Sage香港總代理直接授權代理商,確保產品價格更抵更平。只此一家真正直銷減價,機會難逢,培訓後即享一年免費操作支援,客戶購買時必須認明 Sage 50 Peachtree 以享正貨保證。




本公司的顧問是由 美國 Sage 50 Peachtree 認可授權的代理及首席正式認證顧問,榮譽包括 Sage會計師網絡2012年總認證顧問及卓越顧問(香港區內唯一)等。

Sage 50 Peachtree Solution Provider

CPA Accounting Software Consultants連續十二年獲美國官方Sage 50頒授銷量最高 鑽石級 榮譽銷售伙伴, 也是香港首間獲得Sage Asia 認證頒授Sage 50 (Peachtree) Platinum Partner 最高榮譽**直銷稱冠**


Sage 50 Peachtree Certfified Consultant

專業技術支援-專業培訓課程 2023

專業團隊擁有超過20年以上 Sage 50 Peachtree 服務經驗,經由我們支援及培訓的客戶已達數千,是您值得信賴的伙伴, 也是香港首間獲得Sage Asia 認證頒授Platinum Partner。